That was absolutely amazing dude. This is a masterpiece. I love how the music and artwork go together so seamlessly. Keep up the awesome work.
That was absolutely amazing dude. This is a masterpiece. I love how the music and artwork go together so seamlessly. Keep up the awesome work.
That was awesome. Poor little guy... ;_; BDAMN though, that was the shiz. Ten all the way. Hehe.
-Grabs edge of seat-
"To be continued..."
-Face plants-
Dear god. Way to kick someone in the face. This was awesome. Can't wait for the rest.
My friend. YOU! ARE! A! GOD! I have not seen something this smooth and colourful in nearly forever. I bow before your mighty flash skills. Please make more, or else my tiny brain shall explode!
OH... MY.... GOD! I have no clue what it is that goes on in your head man, but it's gotta be the best damn thing ever. I have never seen a style so smooth, so flawless, so original in all my years. These are just so beautiful. You sir... you have to be God. There's just no other explaination. The seemless fighting animations between two comepletely different games is just mind blowing. You have a perfect score, heck, I wish I could give you 20s just because it rocked that much. You are my hero. -Sniff- It brings a tear to my eye to see such talent. Please submit many, many more. I love watching your animations. They. Are. Awesome. End of story.
Why in god's name would you want to remove such a masterpiece? What are you thinking? This is pure genious. I loved it. If you really want this thing blammed, then I'll just have to do everything in my power to stop you. HA! No way in hell this is leaving the site. No. Way. In. Hell. Got it? Good. And now... BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That was awesome.
Ah shut the hell up, This was great.
Clearly you have an old skool sense of humor, and that's what makes it just so well done. Screw all that "omfg he just blew off my arm, but it's funny" bullshit. This is pure old skool, just like the game itself. Keep up the good work. I love it.
Word to that. I even put a Pac Man scene in!
Oh yeah! That's the best!
Dude. Ignore that laqst guy. This stuff owns. Wait... no. IT PWNZ!! Keep up the good work!
Age 39, Male
Carpet Installer
Joined on 4/12/05